My notes about club operation during WFD

I copied this from a Facebook post from the WFD guys and am putting it here just so that it's easy to find, and searchable. -kz1o

A recent question.. it might answer yours..

Our club wants to participate in Winter Field Day, and we see we can operate separately and enter the club information on the "club" line of the Cabrillio submission. I also see details on how we count how many active transmitters we have going to be counted for our exchange.

Individual members will operate using their own callsign (operating under their own privileges), using a class & category exchange that reflects their individual situation. They will send in their log under their own callsign with the name or callsign of the group/club noted on the “CLUB:” line.

What I do not see defined is whether each member of the club, operating separately, identifies as themselves or with the club call.

Because we're counting how many stations the club is operating, and the exchange would be 5H Texas, I would assume the exchange would be with the club call.

Members will ID as themselves, NOT with a club callsign. If each member is operating alone at home, each would use 1H, etc.. There'd be no 5H involved and No Club call involved. A Tech would be only allowed to use Tech privileges, A General only General privileges, etc...

However, the ARRL had similar rules for Summer Field Day and they clarified that each remote operator was to use their own call sign, even when operating as part of the club.

Exactly... as stated above...

Can you clarify this for us and update the Covid section?

Updating now..
